martedì 4 novembre 2014

TV Everywhere

Moving away  from the “Box”!

Just a few years ago, the TV was the main mass media with two different business models (advertising-funded and pay per view) and in many countries also public funded.

Let’s think that just in last decade the average of Americans has watched 3 hours and 46 minutes of TV each day (more than 52 days of nonstop TV watching per year).

Content production was the core business directly connected to a broadcaster’s success and contents were designed as «one size fits all» with fixed time schedules.

Audience metering and analysis was based just on samples and TV was advertisers’ first choice and the main revenue stream for broadcasters.

The new style of TV changed the habits of consumers providing them new paradigms of interaction with the TV players, in fact consumers don’t need to wait for their favourite programs or change their habits related to a scheduled entertainment, they  can select the content they want, when they want, where they want and choosing how they want it.

They can interact with the content (live or not) in order to provide feedback, interact with other consumer, purchase related content, view value added contents, etc.. They can access directly to the content provider without an "intermediate" They can access to mobile entertainment deciding to have burst interaction with contents, enabling a new reality "short videos"

On the manufacturing side the adoption of tablets, especially the iPad, have been the main driver that pushed TV companies to accelerate the development of “TV everywhere” applications that let consumers access shows on other devices.

The digital revolution changed the TV value chain and introduced new levels of complexity.
The technology evolution enabled every player to stretch their position on the video value chain in order to be directly connected to the consumers. And now,  the audience is more sophisticated and no longer accepts simply tuning into TV programs.

Always-on smart devices provide information about video consumption to content and service providers, enabling self-learning and recommendations.

This new audience is composed of consumers that access and interact from different, nonhomogeneous platforms, often multitasking on various digital devices and applications, and sharing with others their interest about TV shows on social networks.

The advertising industry drives to a more interactive and consumer-friendly technology, one that directly engages the consumer shifting from a product-centric to a consumer-centric paradigm.
Moreover, TV is now social shifting from a mass media to a community media paradigm, enabling viewers to easily search and navigate a growing number of videos and TV shows, and create personalized EPG  (Electronic Program Guide), based on their social graph and interaction.

Every player in the video value chain can be relevant to the consumer throughout the chain, directly engaging consumers with personalized offerings that leverage their habits and real-time needs.

In the near future, players on the value chain will create alliances to grow their business. Alliances will be created following content distribution and consumer engagement strategies based on maturity, service provided, and closely linked business plans, synergies, scalability, and offering differentiation.

For example, Telcos are agreeing with OTT with QoE and flat bundle for local distribution. 

venerdì 31 ottobre 2014

Atalanta - Napoli, analisi di un goal assurdo

Il goal subito dal Napoli contro l'Atalanta é nel manuale del calcio come quello che non si deve fare in caso di contropiede.

Ecco i fatti:
Denis lancia il terzino, Ghoulam, come spesso accade da quando é a Napoli, é fuori posizioni. Primo errore individuale.
Molte azioni pericolose sono nate da quando copre la fascia sinistra date dal fatto che non é mai in linea con la difesa, non segue il fluidificante o l'ala avversaria e si accentra troppo.

Avviene il Cross, Denis va diritto, Albiol lo segue, Koulibaly va sul primo palo.  Tutto corretto, ma ora ci sono 2 grossi errori individuali
1)Rafael é ben posizionato ma effettuerá la scelta sbagliata poiché su un cross in area piccola il portiere deve uscire invece torna tra i pali. 
2) Albiol corre verso il primo palo… perché???? Non c’è nessun avversario, anzi c’è un compagno.

Denis quindi si trova da solo al centro dell’area con un portiere che non ha seguito né palla né giocatore e due difensori sul primo palo a cercare farfalle 

Questo goal non è colpa di Benitez poiché é figlio di 3 errori individuali. Ma Benitez dovrebbe ricredersi sulle qualitá di Albiol, fortemente voluto da lui, e su cui insiste.

Se facessimo una simile analisi a ritroso scopriremo che la metá dei goal subiti dal Napoli da settembre 2013 sono colpa di questo difensore centrale che soffre in personalitá, sicurezza, posizione, intelligenza tattica.

Paolo Cannavaro non avrebbe mai lasciato l'uomo, Gianluca Grava non si sarebbe mai fatto passare alle spalle.

giovedì 30 ottobre 2014

La via del Samurai

I sette concetti fondamentali, ai quali i samurai dovevano attenersi sono ancora molto attuali:
義, Gi: Onestà e Giustizia
Sii scrupolosamente onesto nei rapporti con gli altri, credi nella giustizia che proviene non dalle altre persone ma da te stesso. Il vero Samurai non ha incertezze sulla questione dell'onestà e della giustizia. Vi è solo ciò che è giusto e ciò che è sbagliato.
勇, Yu: Eroico Coraggio
Elevati al di sopra delle masse che hanno paura di agire, nascondersi come una tartaruga nel guscio non è vivere. Un Samurai deve possedere un eroico coraggio, ciò è assolutamente rischioso e pericoloso, ciò significa vivere in modo completo, pieno, meraviglioso. L'eroico coraggio non è cieco ma intelligente e forte.
仁, Jin: Compassione
L'intenso addestramento rende il samurai svelto e forte. È diverso dagli altri, egli acquisisce un potere che deve essere utilizzato per il bene comune. Possiede compassione, coglie ogni opportunità di essere d'aiuto ai propri simili e se l'opportunità non si presenta egli fa di tutto per trovarne una. La compassione di un samurai va dimostrata soprattutto nei riguardi delle donne e dei fanciulli.
礼, Rei: Gentile Cortesia
I Samurai non hanno motivi per comportarsi in maniera crudele, non hanno bisogno di mostrare la propria forza. Un Samurai è gentile anche con i nemici. Senza tale dimostrazione di rispetto esteriore un uomo è poco più di un animale. Il Samurai è rispettato non solo per la sua forza in battaglia ma anche per come interagisce con gli altri uomini. Il miglior combattimento è quello evitato.
誠, Makoto o 信, Shin: Completa Sincerità
Quando un Samurai esprime l'intenzione di compiere un'azione, questa è praticamente già compiuta, nulla gli impedirà di portare a termine l'intenzione espressa. Egli non ha bisogno né di "dare la parola" né di promettere. Parlare e agire sono la medesima cosa.
名誉, Meiyo: Onore
Vi è un solo giudice dell'onore del Samurai: lui stesso. Le decisioni che prendi e le azioni che ne conseguono sono un riflesso di ciò che sei in realtà. Non puoi nasconderti da te stesso.
忠義, Chugi: Dovere e Lealtà
Per il Samurai compiere un'azione o esprimere qualcosa equivale a diventarne proprietario. Egli ne assume la piena responsabilità, anche per ciò che ne consegue. Il Samurai è immensamente leale verso coloro di cui si prende cura. Egli resta fieramente fedele a coloro di cui è responsabile.

mercoledì 29 ottobre 2014

Cloud for Media - From production to consumption, the cloud paradigm impact

The media industry is shifting to a media corporate concept where products are becoming native digital. This new paradigm—strongly supported by evolving IT enablers—affects how products are created, distributed, and consumed.

This digital media revolution is calling for fluid content; this gives content producers, broadcasters, and content distributors the opportunity to:

  • Innovate and optimize production activities
  • Rely on a digital library
  • Deliver on every digital touch point

Journalists and operators can create media assets directly in digital—everywhere, every time; those assets are then classified and stored inside a digital library. Cloud computing— a key IT enabler supporting production and distribution systems for digital TV—provides interoperability and scalability.

Market trends show live environments are shifting to a fully IT-based environment, leveraging on packet-based networks’ continuous improvements. Using the cloud paradigm, you can:

  • Reduce time to market
  • Become proactive, aligning IT to business needs
  • Enhance operational efficiency and provide cost savings
  • Empower your offering with third-party content and services

The Cloud Media Hub provide “on-demand” capabilities from content creation and management to distribution and monitoring providing:

  • Less complexity leveraging cloud-based services
  • Fast deployment, much faster than developing in house
  • Comprehensive and secure storage of media assets and subscriber information
  • Quick and easy discovery of relevant content for operators and consumers
  • Better business model: operating expenses instead of capital expenditures

giovedì 23 ottobre 2014

The new style of TV

The TV industry is chasing the biggest transformation ever, worldwide. And this digital tsunami is bringing media and entertainment industries new opportunities, challenges, and competitors.

The imperative is to understand and surf the wind of change, and be ready to re-position yourself in the new digital environment.

The digital (r)evolution enables new player introduction and also gives control to consumers—moving out of scheduling restrictions and often out of the TV itself.

The current transformation is multidimensional, affecting each department of current TV companies. To meet this situation and offer creative flexibility, you must become an agile enterprise without creating silos. Key transformation dimensions include:

  • The new Internet business—Enabling consumers to be engaged with television content, including live and on-demand programming on connected video-capable devices, such as PCs, laptops, mobile phones, netbooks, and tablet devices.
  • IP operation—Creating digital videos that are ingested inside production rooms where journalists and operators directly work to create assets to be classified and stored inside a digital library, enabling transcoding, secure packaging, and delivery to meet IP delivery needs.

The key questions to understand this transformation are the following:

How do you reposition yourself on the media value chain?
TV companies should adopt new business models that enable optimization and profitability of current assets and empower the company with new ways to make money quickly by leveraging new technologies.
  • Identify new, adjacent potential business and become a digital aggregator, leveraging thirdparty content and service onboarding.
  • Empower digital advertising business, delivering an advertiser-centric strategy to optimize advertising inventory utilization.
  • Enhance products’ profitability using new/flexible digital monetization models, delivering best-in-class pricing and billing solutions.
How do you engage consumers?
Broadcasters should adopt a new relationship paradigm with customers, creating customer-centric
offerings, that leverage deeper knowledge of their own audience, empowered by new technologies.
  • Interact with digital consumers, delivering targeted contents, advertising, and services, leveraging 360° consumer knowledge to improve customer base profitability.
  • Provide the best customer experience to drive acquisition, loyalty, and retention across all channels.
How do you operate within the new Internet business?
Broadcasters should approach the Internet industry by adopting:
  • New operating models—Address the cultural change; it’s affecting your organization’s processes, activities, and more
    • Optimize the content production process by adopting a multimedia enterprise editorial factory approach
    • Improve rights usage by reducing operational complexity caused by multichannel, nonlinear product, and supporting procurement activities
  • New distribution models—Move from on-air broadcasting to network-agnostic delivery, leveraging natively digital assets
    • Design a standard and optimized digital supply chain, manage end-to-end supply chain capabilities and fitting out solutions to speed up content downloads and manage the Quality of Experience
    • Be everywhere on any device—deliver the right content to the right digital consumer
There is not a single recipe to understand how this transformation should be approached and how to maximize the investments in order to achieve and high ROI.

The suggestion is to proceed from strategy to execution: 
  • Understand the company of the future that inspire us, 
  • Understand the business that we want to lead,
  • Understand the gap between what we can do and what we want to do. Is IT able to enable our future business?
  • Define the big picture and design a strong archievable and measurable IT roadmap
  • Execute it in an agile way in order to apply the appropriate route corrections.
After all, often IT departments of a Media company are not such mature to support business and the need of an IT partner raise. But how to choose the correct IT partner for Innovation? Who can assure strong vision and capacity to execute?

We will discuss it future posts  

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